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Subject: RE: [motm] Rear-facing cord?

From: "Brousseau, Paul E (Paul)" <noise@...>
Date: 2000-04-12

(Without yet reading the other replies...) YES! Well, maybe not enclosing
the power supply necessarily, but I think more connecters and a rear-facing
power cord are very good ideas. How feasable would it be to make it 2U


> -----Original Message-----
> From:Paul Schreiber [SMTP:synth1@...]
> Sent:Tuesday, April 11, 2000 10:08 PM
> Subject:[motm] Rear-facing cord?
> I am thinking about enclosing the power supply, and moving the AC inlet to
> the rear. The
> connector board may also 'grow' from 12 to 16 connectors. Thoughts?