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Subject: RE: [motm] NE MOTM Gathering?

From: "Tkacs, Ken" <ken.tkacs@...>
Date: 2000-03-16

I'm interested, depending on the specifics... I'm in Southern Connecticut.

-----Original Message-----
From: alt-mode [mailto:alt_mode@...]
Sent:Wednesday, 15 March, 2000 7:54 PM
Subject:[motm] NE MOTM Gathering?

From: alt-mode <alt_mode@...>

Anyone in the New England area interested in getting together some Saturday
to talk
MOTM, synths, 'n stuff? I'm willing to help organize and bring some gear
(unfortunately, not my MOTM stuff - it doesn't move that easily). I don't
know that
I'd want to do something on the scale of an AH gathering; I was thinking of
something smaller. However, we would need a venue such as a studio or

Respond to the list or privately if you are interested.