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Subject: Re: PaulBr's multiples

From: "J. Larry Hendry" <jlarryh@...>
Date: 2000-01-25

> From: "Dave Bradley" <daveb@...>
> Could the bracket legs be narrowed to fit between the jacks and maintain
> correct front panel spacing?

Only if you bent them inward and that would end up looking like crap.

> If that doesn't work, how about cutting off one or both of the legs,
> fabricating your own that fit between the jacks and then riveting them to
> the bracket plate?

Oh sure, that would work Dave. Geesh, that sure is a hell of a lot of work
though. You could keep one leg, cut off the other and rivet or bolt on a
corner brace (commonly called "L" bracket). Damn, I thought I was going to
get out of this easy.

Larry (the lazy stooge) Hendry