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Subject: Re: Synergy Modular

From: "Paul Schreiber" <synth1@...
Date: 1999-10-23

Larry Fast has the name copyrighted.

Paul S.

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Becker <mach25@...>
To: MOTM listserv <>
Date: Friday, October 22, 1999 7:21 PM
Subject: [motm] Synergy Modular

>From: Fred Becker <mach25@...>
>Hi Paul,
>The Synergy name is not taken any more for any synths, so you could call
>your modular line the Synergy Modular. You could still have your MOTM
>program, but the overall system could be called Synergy. It rolls off the
>tongue a lot nicer than M-O-T-M modular.