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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] proposed designs

From: James Elliott <johans121@...>
Date: 2007-11-07

Scott, quick question.

What CGS PCBs are needed for the analog computer?
I think I see the Analog Shift Register and the VC Divider - however I'm confused as to what the other 4 sections are.


----- Original Message ----
From: Scott Deyo <contact@...>
Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2007 10:21:08 AM
Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] proposed designs

I'm working on the panel. I was trying to figure out how to fit
everything on, and still have the rotary switch PCB-mounted, but I
don't think it's possible -- not enough clearance, and the board is
wider than 1U anyway.

A great module -- so many uses!

Scott Deyo
The Bridechamber

On Nov 7, 2007, at 12:25 AM, James Elliott wrote:

> I just now have had the opportunity to go over your synth panel
> proposals. Some are a little funky, but who cares? I like them - I
> know I'll be buying several (over time), if released: VCO, Analog
> Comp, CV Cluster, infinite diatonic, sub osc.
> I'm really excited about the CGS VCO!
> Question... Scott, you have a partial parts kit for the burst
> generator, are you planning on creating a panel for it?
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Scott Deyo <contact@...>
> To:
> Sent:  Sunday, October 28, 2007 10:27:49 AM
> Subject: [ModularSynthPanels] proposed designs
> Hello Group!
>  I made a new folder of silkscreen designs for your perusal and
> comments. They are in
>  Illustrator, so your Acrobat Reader should open them. If not, let me
> know.
>  For the most part, holes are not shown, but you can imagine where
> they'd be in most
>  cases.
>  Comments:
>  Analog Computer: 32 jacks of logic fun. The clock for the divider is
> shared w/ the ASR.
>  Bandpass Filterbank: 6 bandpass filters. Each output's switched jack
> goes to a mixer,
>  whose output is connected to output 6. Each input is normalled to the
> next, so for
>  "normal" filterbank use, you'd plug your input into jack one and take
> your output from jack
>  six.
>  VCO: Note there is now a Staircase Input, for use w/ SubOsc or
> whatever. It has not been
>  tested and may need input conditioning.
>  CV Cluster: Pimp, no?
>  Gated Comparator: The Bit Disable is below where switches are, at the
> bottom of those
>  vertical lines. Adds the offset switch, as per Ken's suggestion, and
> some attenuators.
>  Infinite/ Diatonic: A hybrid of MOTM and Tellun Small Pot spacing...
>  Master Divider: with clock through at the bottom. LED holes not shown.
>  Modulo Magic: Yup.
>  Saw PS: Includes the suggested output mixer, which can be used by
> itself. Up and Down PS
>  are normalled to Inputs 3 and 4.
>  SubOsc: This is not an easy build; I call it "spaghetti behind the
> scenes." A and B can be
>  used separately, as well as muliplications/ additions via Mix Out, if
> A and B are taken out
>  via the switches.
>  ASM/ WRS: I don't know if I really understand this module, but here's
> a panel for it : )
>  Cheers,
>  Scott
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