Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: Modular Synth Panels

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Subject: Re: [cgs_synth] I got a Gated Comparator panel by mistake from FPE

From: loopcycle <loopcycle@...>
Date: 2007-10-12

Hi Richard!

I did recieve my gated comparator panel as I ordered it. They must have made
two and sent you one. (I just responded to Karen...thanks for the reminder)

And I would be interested in seeing your IO design :)


--- Richard Brewster <pugix@...> wrote:

> Front Panel Express messed up and sent me somebody else's panel. It was
> a CGS Gated Comparator with large LED holes (MOTM Lumex size). Your
> invoice number was 313513. I sent your panel back to FPE. They say you
> didn't respond back to them, so they are making my panel again. I had
> ordered a custom 1U panel for the Blacet IO, which I titled BLACET INPUT
> EFG. It's a 1U that mounts the Blacet board right to the panel with the
> Blacet pots. Just wondering if somebody here received it by mistake.
> -Richard Brewster
> The CGS Modular Synth home page:
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