There is paint fill to consider, too. The relative boldness of the
lettering is related to both the engraving tool size and the paint
fill. I have some 0.4mm letters with light paint fill that look about
the same as some other 0.2mm with heavier paint fill. After I got some
panels with 0.4mm that had heavy paint, I switched over to using 0.2mm
all the time. I only have one panel (the MOTM 480) where the 0.2mm
lettering is very light.
See these examples of the extremes.
CGS VCO with thick 0.4mm paint 480 modified with thin 0.2mm paint last several panels I ordered with 0.2mm were painted just right.
But you can't count on the paint fill being consistent.
Richard Brewster
Samppa Tolvanen wrote:
> On 7/21/07, loopcycle <loopcycle@...> wrote:
>> Im bumping this thread because I found it extremely useful.
>> I'm preparing an FPE panel for a gated comparator and will be using
>> 0.2mm for the text engraving.
> Hey,
> How do the engravings compare? Can You people make scans from the
> panels made by FPE with information about fonts / engarving options
> used?
> Samppa