here's the MU (Moog/, or the Moog Unit) layout i'm
working on. it's in a width of 2MU: i'm trying to fit an attenuator for one of the control
inputs into the layout, and i need to have a discussion with Messrs
Mahoney and Parkhurst to determine if "TH-201", "T. Henry", "Magic
Smoke", or nothing should poke out of the far upper left corner.
i'll probably also try to translate this into the FU (Frac Unit)
format over the next few days as well, probably at a width of 3FU but
we'll see. also, these will currently be the only front panels i plan
on offering on their own in addition to fully assembled. i don't know
how much they'll have to be but not cheap. less than a Sheaffer panel
for sure though.
and yes i do realise this is the non-gridified highly literal and
possibly impractical approach, but this is really the only way i
could assemble this thing into the Trumansburg format in an
appealing, logical, and authentically clumsy electro-pioneer way. you
will _never_ wonder where that Mankato filter is in your system
though ...
Suit & Tie Guy