Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: Modular Synth Panels
Subject: frac rak people look at my weird front panel so i don't mess it up!
From: "silverb0x" <silverb0x@...>
Date: 2006-12-12
hey duuuuudes and baaabes,
eye have just joined this neat group! i made an fpd for my cgs steiner
vcf. could you guys look at to make sure i am not going to crash
intothe frac rak with a jack or overlap my letters with a knob or
anything else like that?
i know it is asymmetrical and weird, that part is on purpose.
the .25" holes are for my 3.5mm jacks and the .2820" holes are for my
17mm pots. hopefully that is right ::/
so right now the price is 29.64, maybe there is a way to make it
cheaper without getting rid of my k3wl multis and stuff ::/
thanks kind humans