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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] Fill-In Necessary?

From: Dino Leone <d_p_leone@...>
Date: 2005-11-03

Yes, it will reveal the "raw", silvery aluminum. I
have just received a bunch of black-anodized
frontpanels (Oakley), where I have omitted the fill-in
paint, in order to save costs. And I must say it looks
excellent. From about one meter distance, I'm unable
to tell the difference between white-infilled and
non-filled engravings. And in a close-up look I think
it looks very good. Also tried it on a red-anodized
panel and it looks great there too.

Hope this helps,

--- xamboldt <xamboldt@...> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I'm thinking of making my first front-panel express
> order, and I was hoping
> to clarify something: If I use a black (or any color
> for that matter)
> anodized aluminum piece, if I use no fill-in
> paint/ink, will engraving just
> reveal the raw aluminum beneath the surface?
> Thanks,
> Chris

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