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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] Miniwave chassis built

From: Scott Juskiw <scott@...>
Date: 2004-08-21

>Now I have a question for those of you
>with the Juskiw CV board. How are you using it? Since the PROMS are so
>different, I find it hard to imagine switching by CV, except for purely
>random weirdness. Of course maybe that's a good enough reason!

My plan is to burn my own PROMs with waves that will be somewhat
coordinated so that switching between PROMs will be useful. I
consider each PROM as a two dimensional waveform surface (X and Y).
The original MiniWave permits voltage controlled traversal of that
surface for waveform selection. I think of it as WAVE = east/west and
BANK = north/south (like walking around on a map). Changing PROMs
adds a third dimension (Z) for waveform selection (I think of it as
PROM = up/down). So with the JLH-2090CV, I can use voltage control to
move in 3 dimensions to choose a waveform. It's not quite as fun as
anti-gravity boots, but it's a start.

I don't know if any current PROMs were designed for 3D traversal, but
I'm sure there will be some forthcoming.