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Subject: RE: [ModularSynthPanels] Moog 1p for sale on Ebay

From: "John L Rice" <Drummer@...>
Date: 2012-06-13

Sounds like a good plan! J


Note on ebay links: usually you can delete everything after the item number and it will still work.


John L Rice


From: [] On Behalf Of gino wong
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 8:27 PM
To: modularsynthpanels
Subject: [ModularSynthPanels] Moog 1p for sale on Ebay



This is actually a pretty nice original  Moog on ebay at an ok price.

It is for a collector.  As a user I would take the ffb, EGs , I vca .  I would sell the rest off and buy a Synth .com system sell off the oscillators and filters except for a few for LFOs and Use Motm 300s and  Ian fritz  theru zero and  doublee dekkas and Tellun reverb and JH Phasers... that is where I would start, have started.