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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] Panel variables

From: Scott Deyo <contact@...>
Date: 2012-04-05

The thinner plates were something I was contemplating for a 'new' 5U format -- like a hybrid of MU and MOTM. The weight wasn't about shipping, but about moving/ gigging with the bigger synths. I'm not a small fella but threw my shoulder out a bit last time I moved Colossus.
: )

Anyway, you could call that idea "filed away". 

Scott Deyo
The Bridechamber
Jealous Edison Record Kompany

On Apr 4, 2012, at 2:04 AM, aliis wrote:


> Scott's MOTM panels are superb if you need to have a consistant feel with the
format with his textured paint finish for a more common design.

Some year or two back I remember reading in some synth forum that someone that made motm 5u style modules was considering using thinner plate which somewhat horrified me to read as I new I would be inevitably wanting 5u sometime. I never remember following what the outcome of that was or if that consideration came to be. I have a vague feeling it was to reduce shipping weight. I was incredulous to read this (maybe it was a joke)and really didn't believe reducing panel thickness by that amount(the thickness it was to change to was miniscule tho i don't remember the figure). can anyone enlighten me concerning this. I would like to think all motm style panels are 3mm, now that i think of it was the idea to shave rounded corners off the oakleys anthing connected or just cosmetic choice by Tony or paul? Are the rounded corners a good thing and are there any problems with integrating these with straight cut panels apart from grime buildup in the gaps maybe?
Another thing i would like to know is what is the finnish like on 5u panels compared to Mu. I am aware that dotcom have a splater finnish which looks really nice i just never seen a 5u close enough to compare. Also some shades of black seem to vary with mu what is the consistency like with 5u? thanks anyone