I'm building a modular to, also 5U, and the most time consuming (and fun) part of it is the faceplate design (for me). I tried FPD, didn't get it, seems complicated, so I went for Easy Draw4. I'll print the PDF's, and use them for some laser etching on 1/8th or 1/16th panels. There are shops that makes signs, metal sticker label and all that, they can work something out for you if you can find one in your area. There is also the MFOS technique... Print, have the sheet laminated, cut to size and glue it on the alum plate, work out fine too. Especially if you can find some colored paper (or have a laser color printer). You can add pretty wild designs to your plates and the result if ok. I bought some ''silver'' paper at Stapples the en result is pretty neat.
I don't know about the round ended panel, probably to lessen the pain if you drop a module on your foot?
I ordered many different knobs last week from Small Bear Electronics to sample them and once I'm fixed I'll put an order for a bunch. Sampling knobs is a good idea. Especially for those pot legends that are never quite to size.
Mock ups are also a wise thing to use, I print my panel layouts, glue them to a piece of cardboard, fix the pots and jacks and wire everything. Once all modules are set and I am content with their functionality, I'll have real plates etched. I guess it must be pretty frustrating to have your plates done and realize you ''forgot'' something or your design just doesn't work out as hoped.
Anyway, that was my 25 cents...
--- In ModularSynthPanels@yahoogroups.com, "aliis" <aliisvorbach@...> wrote:
> Hi everyone, my first time to consider having my own panels made. I am going with 5U unless someone can talk me into MU. still comming to terms with FPD...are there any designing advice for a beginner. other questions are why are some 5u panels have rounded corners? Also is this viable to design your own panel for having Oakley or motm style modules. Plus I would like to have Dotcom style knobs on 5u simply because i like them. Is that possible without any problems I would also like to have better detail around pots/knobs than motm style. Some Motm style have no legending around knobs at all except positive and neg symbols. Basically what i intend is to have something similar to dotcom text/graphics on 5U panels with dotcom knobs if thats doable? any advice please would be appreciated. Plus the idea of a FPD price for a one off panel?
> thanks aliis