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Subject: New upload: Buchla 291 filter + Schaeffer design

From: Jeffrey Pontius <jpont@...>
Date: 2004-01-04

Hi all,
I've uploaded a Schaeffer front panel design for the rendition of the
Buchla 291 filter that Scott Stites and I have been working on for the
past 6 months. It is in a new folder called Buchla Type [I find it much
easier to search for panel designs based on the module than on the
designer] with the file name Buchla291_mixoptions.fpd.

You can view a photo of the Schaeffer panel, along with Scott's custom
panel design, descriptions of the filter and our added features, sound
samples from Scott's breadboarded version, and a schematic of the 'core'
of the filter, based on Mark Verbos' version of the 291, on Scott's
excellent website:

Schematics of our added features are not yet posted. I would like to
publicly thank Scott (the electronics expert in this project - certainly
not me) for all of his work on this filter. It is really a neat filter.

It is a 3U motm style panel, I've tried to keep the cost reduced and
still, hopefully, instructive. Note that the pot holes are smaller than
those required for Spectrol or Bournes pots. The socket holes are for
Switchcraft 112, and the switch holes are for NKK.
