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Subject: Re: [AH] Huge Oakley PCB sale Discount! Discount!! Discount!!!

From: Tom Farrand <mbedtom@...>
Date: 2010-09-03

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 1:22 PM, krisp audio <krisp14u@...> wrote:
>> -------SNIP-------
>> >
>> > Disclaimer some boards are in short supply (like 2-3) and will be given
>> > priority to bigger orders
>> >
>> > Is this fair No but then most of you are over 10 years old and will have
>> > worked out that life isn’t fair and cash is king
>> >
>> -------SNIP-------
>> All,
>> " ... life isn't fair and cash is king."
>> So, this is a "sale" to the the highest bidder? I see.
> No bidding this isn’t EBay the price is fixed
>> Life being unfair is not a consequence ... it is a choice. I am over
>> 10 years of age and I see that rather clearly. Integrity was sold for
>> a few quid. Sad.
> Yes it is SAD that you posted this
> If my Integrity is sold for a few quid then God help me Im just trying to
> feed my family in hard times
> Do you get people having a go at you when you’re doing your job?
> Or are you one of the guys who think making money out of synth is a crime
> If you have anything else to share please do
> Cheers
> Paul (Apparently the guy to have a go at for trying to make a living)Darlow


You and I are at the grocery store. I wanted two heads of lettuce but
there was only one. No matter, I’ll have cabbage instead. (The
distance I travel to the grocery store causes me to stock up because I
won’t be back for some time. Motor car fuel is so expensive.)

We get to the checkout. Oh! My grocery cart is a higher cost than is
yours. So, I will have your lettuce. And you have some lunch meat.
I’ll have that too. After all, the one spending the most money gets
the preferential treatment. Cash is king! And don’t blame the
grocer. After all, the grocer is just trying to feed his family.
Yeah, me too.

The ultimate test of fairness is equitability. If the roles were
reversed would the participants still be content with the outcome? My
grocery store example is precisely the same logic. If I took food out
of your cart because I am spending more money, that seems rather a bit
unfair. What is wrong with first come – first served? Without that
basic premise, the person who merely wants to buy a loaf of bread and
a bottle of milk would never make it through the cashier. Everybody
else will almost always have a fuller cart. Should the buyer of only
bread and milk be denied his purchase? I guess so.

How you run your business is entirely up to you. By response volume,
it appears that I am in the small minority. The jury of public
opinion has spoken. All the same, I stand by my words.

To I-K Ahmad: In the case of the five or six 50” TVs for $200 each …
you made my point for me. In exactly the example you cited, it was
first come - first served. Yes? It was not how much you bought that
mattered, only that the first five or six people in the queue got the
deal. In your example and mine, the queue mattered most. I agree!

Soapbox time remaining: 0.0
Tom Farrand