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Subject: Re: Adapt 8mm pot for 3/8 hole

From: "Steve" <sduck409@...>
Date: 2010-07-21

A while ago I bought some of those #5 o-rings on the advice of members of this group. My experience was that they were too big - I couldn't squeeze the (alpha) pot with the o-ring on it into the 3/8 hole. It's quite possible that home depot had them labeled wrong though. So when you're at the store, pick up some smaller ones just in case - they're cheap.

--- In, "woostern" <woostern@...> wrote:
> Does anybody have a clever solution for mounting a 8 mm pot in a 3/8 hole (besides tightening the nut really hard)?
> I thought I remember somebody finding the perfect washer or rubber band, but can't seem to find the post in the archive.
> I guess I should stop being a cheapskate and order some of these:
> Or just use Bourns.
> Nathan