Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: Modular Synth Panels

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Subject: Re: Living VCO panels for MOTM?

From: "wjhall11" <wjhall@...>
Date: 2010-05-12

As I recall, a 7U version was generally accepted for the Living VCO-plus-waveshapers large-knob implementation, and a 5U version sans-waveshapers and with small-knobs.

Will and I put some designs on our Living VCO page here (I don't know how to upload these - sorry):

At the top of the page is my favorite 7U version... but it has a funky grid-offset and is not as well liked by others. The 7U version most-liked is the Greg-James/Will Hall version below that.

Between these designs is the 5U version.

I believe the discussion left off where a bunch of people were interested in the GJ/WH 7U version, and a bunch of people wanted the 5U version but nothing was decided further.

Dave Brown did a very cool 3U version, by the way:


--- In, Eric Frampton <eric@...> wrote:
> Was a consensus ever reached about what this panel should look like?
> Is there an ETA?
> Thanks,
> Eric