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Subject: Re: Front Panel Designer Problem

From: "sduck409" <sduck409@...>
Date: 2010-01-14

--- In, "data2action" <fluxmonk@...> wrote:
> sorry, only meant to say that questions abt FPD are appropriate and weclome here. i guess i overreacted to the advice "don't use FPD", which seemed out of line.

I think that Guy meant that he doesn't use fpd, thus couldn't answer the question more thoroughly. It's a fairly common english contraction to leave off the "I" if it's the first word in a sentence, although non-native english speakers might not know that, and it can lead to misunderstandings like this.

To the OP - I've seen that error message (I think it was the same one) when trying to run fpd in crossover on my mac, and I think I saw it once when an XP installation inside vmware fusion went bad. Have you upgraded your bootcamp driver recently? Maybe the new ones have some problems, or maybe it's just a matter of reinstalling printer drivers or something like that. I only use my XP installation for fpd and one other app, so if things get hosed I just delete it and reinstall.