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Subject: Re: New panel for TLN-867

From: "djbrow54" <davebr@...>
Date: 2009-11-01

I've done the same for two modules. I increase the panel size about 1/4" to make sure I have plenty of overlap and print the panel on an ink-jet printer. I turn the label over and mark the four corners on the back. I use spray adhesive on the front of the panel, and then pick it up and place it on the back of the label. I use a knife to trim off the paper all around the edge of a panel. I use a black sharpie to color all the edges, then trim out the holes. I then give it 2 - 3 coats of spray lacquer which gives it an overall orange peel finish so it looks quite close to a painted panel. The white legends aren't quite as bright but it is hard to tell the difference.

I think if you were to modify the panel and use 0.4mm engravings the legends would be more bright.

Pictures of my panels are on my site.

The 566VCO was on a blank panel that I pre-drilled

The Neil Johnson was over a spare MOTM panel

Both panels are good enough that I probably won't ever upgrade them.


--- In, Richard Brewster <pugix@...> wrote:
> One time I was building a module with the same hole pattern
> as a MOTM panel I had replaced and had lying abandoned in my
> parts box. While waiting for the FPD panel to arrive, I printed
> out and pasted the paper design onto the MOTM panel and had
> a stand-in. It works because the print format is full size.
> Richard Brewster
> Scott Juskiw wrote:
> > I've created an FPD file for my monitor/tuner utility module.
> > I printed it out on paper and glued it to my plastic panel
> > It doesn't look too bad (as a temporary solution). Scroll to
> > the bottom of this page to see some pictures:
> >