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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] New panel for TLN-867

From: Richard Brewster <pugix@...>
Date: 2009-10-31

One time I was building a module with the same hole pattern as a MOTM
panel I had replaced and had lying abandoned in my parts box. While
waiting for the FPD panel to arrive, I printed out and pasted the paper
design onto the MOTM panel and had a stand-in. It works because the
print format is full size.

Richard Brewster

Scott Juskiw wrote:
> I've created an FPD file for my monitor/tuner utility module. I
> printed it out on paper and glued it to my plastic panel. It doesn't
> look too bad (as a temporary solution). Scroll to the bottom of this
> page to see some pictures: