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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] moog 901a

From: Dave Leith <dave.leith@...>
Date: 2009-10-05

I have been thinking about providing Illustrator artwork for the 901 - not boards. Let's see how error free this board is (rev2). It is still quite difficult to build and certainly in the not fun to calibrate. Seems to sound good though.

As for the the synthi trapezoid it was done earlier (freehand - no layout) on prototyping board so I don't have a layout I could give out.


On 10/5/09, Samppa Tolvanen <samppa.tolvanen@...> wrote:

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 5:48 PM, Dave Leith <dave.leith@...> wrote:
> I have also been working on this (single combined board). Just
> yesterday I mounted the board in the panel and had a quick listen. I
> don't recall anything odd but will check out this week.

Good work,

Do You have parts placement/ silkscreen to go along with that? I'm
also interested about the Synthi Trapezoid..
