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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] Re: Living VCO

From: Jeff Laity <synthetic@...>
Date: 2009-09-13

I'd be happy with the 4u version, I don't want half my cabinet taken up with this thing. Seems like the module is getting feature creep, keeps growing knobs and outputs. Maybe there can be a basic panel and expansion panel? 

On Sep 13, 2009, at 12:38 PM, wjhall11 wrote:

Will and I were talking about this - 

We think that the two Living VCO panels worth considering are both counting-dial (Vernier) versions; the difference being a 5U and a 7U version.

The 5U version uses the smaller knobs for all 16 controls except the three verniers. There are no significant modifications to Jurgen's design or suggested hook-ups. I can't quite recall, but two of the switches may be something Will suggested, but if so, they're very straightforward additions - of that I'm certain. 

You can read about our ideas and see our panel designs here:http://www.dragonfl constructionJHLi vingVCO.htm 

OK - so that's the 5U panel...

The other panel worth considering is a 7U design. If you increase the knobs to standard MOTM size, you need 7U of space. You can implement the 7U with the verniers off-set a bit to make more space in the "driver section" for the switches (the design on top on our page), or you can even out the grid as suggested by Greg James (the design below the others on our page).

In either of these cases, there's space for an extra row of jacks - so we figured we'd build three wave-shapers into the module... a relatively straightforward thing to do using 3 MFOS VCO pcbs for their wave-shaper circuits.

You could implement the 7U panel without the waveshapers and extra row of jacks.

But if you really didn't want the verniers, you could do the Rough / Fine tune idea a-la Dave Brown.

So to re-cap - I guess here are the choices:

1. Verniers and small knobs 5U

2. Verniers and large knobs 7U, offset verniers and including waveshapers

3. Verniers and large knobs 7U, even verniers and including waveshapers

4. Verniers and large knobs 7U, offset verniers no waveshapers

5. Verniers and large knobs 7U, even verniers no waveshapers

6. No verniers, different design

Bill and Will

--- In ModularSynthPanels@ yahoogroups. com, Ben Stuyts <ben@...> wrote:
> On 10 sep 2009, at 03:54, Scott Deyo wrote:
> > So what am I making here? One vernier and one non-?
> > Keep in mind, this will make each one more expensive.
> I'd like a vernier-style panel. I love the looks of them.
> Ben