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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] Re: JH Polymoog Resonator Panel

From: Scott Juskiw <scott@...>
Date: 2009-09-10

How about swapping the position of the FREQ and GAIN pots? I don't see
that it's necessary to have FREQ at the top.

We don't need no stinkin' mods! Three inputs with attenuators (as Dave
Brown has shown) is all the hacking I plan to do.

On 9-Sep-09, at 7:53 PM, Scott Deyo wrote:

> Questions/ comments :
> Since most people may use 24mm dual-gang Alphas for Freq, I should
> move them down a bit to make sure they clear rails/ cabinet tops.
> I think the 2U's tickmarks will make it look extra cramped since I
> can't stagger the pots, really.
> What are the mods on this? If possible, I'd like to go non-mods.