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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] Re: JH Polymoog Resonator Panel

From: Scott Juskiw <scott@...>
Date: 2009-08-30

The only thing to watch out for, as Dave Brown noted on his webpage,
is that the FREQ pots are dual-ganged which might be difficult to
source in a size small enough to fit at the top of a panel (if using
the standard MOTM grid). I've used 24 mm Alpha dual-ganged pots in a
couple of modules and had to make sure they weren't at the top,
otherwise I couldn't get the module to fit into my cabinet. Luckily, I
build prototypes with plastic panels so it was easy to redo the layout
at the last minute.

On 30-Aug-09, at 5:11 AM, wjhall11 wrote:

> Here's a 3U compromise. Two inputs with attenuators. A MIXED OUT
> jack for linking resonators together. Ihe Input knobs are very low,
> but I think this is not without precedence.
> Will