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I don't like either. It definitely can and should be a 2u design. Use small knobs. Personally I don't have any attachment to the motm knob grid - modules that go off the grid make the modular easier to use IMHO - easier to find the appropriate knob while tweaking. The only design elements that I find unchangeable is the jack grid at the bottom and a black background (sorry modcan) - again, just MHO.
Sorry. Conserving space in my modular is a major concern of mine. Even though I have 4x24u to work with here, it's going to fill up, and I don't really have room after that. I've taken quite a few things that used to be 2u and made them 1u.
--- In ModularSynthPanels@ yahoogroups. com, ModularSynthPanels@ yahoogroups. com wrote:
> Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
> ModularSynthPanels group:
> For an MOTM-format CGS Dual CMOS Filter, do you prefer the vertical or horizontal layout?
> They're in the Proposed Bridechamber Designs folder.
> o Vertical
> o Horizontal
> To vote, please visit the following web page:
> http://groups. group/ModularSyn thPanels/ surveys?id= 2220793
> Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are
> not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
> web site listed above.
> Thanks!