Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: Modular Synth Panels

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Subject: Re: Superladder Panels

From: "krelnarb" <krelnarb@...>
Date: 2009-03-11

Scott, I over looked this! Is the door closed?

Also, is there a difference in panel functions between a Moog and Roland version? I have a Rev.2 Superladder PCB. Assuming I can still get a panel will this accommodate my board?

Sorry for the delay,

--- In, "Scott Deyo" <contact@...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm doing a single run of panels for the old 3U Oakley Superladder,
> the one that could be built either as a diode or transistor ladder. If
> anyone wants one, please let me know this week. You can pre-order them
> for $37.
> Cheers,
> Scott Deyo
> The Bridechamber
> contact@...
> Jealous Edison Record Kompany