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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] Black finish scrws

From: Paul Bower <paul@...>
Date: 2009-02-26

are you UK based (looks like it from the Tesco email address) ?

Wickes even (though their selection is generally very poor)

i'd look at Screwfix

though if you have a Farnell or Rapid order to make, i'd check them out as well
also get some M4 fibre washers - will save the panels from rack burn


On 26 Feb 2009, at 19:00, dunna13 wrote:

Does anyone know where to get black finish wood screws and/or machine 
screws? I have built my first cabinet and designed my first front 
panels (for MFOS modules) but I am stuck for fasteners. Beacuse of the 
cabinet design I can use wood screws or machine screws. 
Thanks, Al.