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Subject: Re: [motmpanels] Re: -MOTM format panel uploded-

From: "Josue Arias" <josue@...>
Date: 2003-06-18


THe 64x1 options would be awesome. I can`t find an easy way to do that,
please keep me informed!1

Best regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: "elle_webb" <elle_webb@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 6:40 AM
Subject: [motmpanels] Re: -MOTM format panel uploded-

> --- In, "klinic2" <josue@A...> wrote:
> > I`ve included a preliminary version for the Milton Sequencer, any
> > ideas for improving this?
> >
> This layout makes sense. I like this better than other layouts that
> I've seen that have jacks at the top.
> I'm considering two more options, though.
> First, as I understand it, the bank boards each support an x-y gate.
> None of the layouts I've seen use more than one set. It seems like
> these extra gates could be very useful for rhythmic gate generation -
> you could have 8 different patterns available. One thought I had was
> to have an optional slave panel that would have room for the missing
> gate switches.
> The other idea was that I'd like to be able to use this as a 4 x 16
> sequencer, but also be able to do a sequence of any number of notes
> up to 64. I'm thinking this might be possible by combining it with
> the CGS sequential switch. You could use the CGS switch to step from
> Bank 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 on the Milton, stepping to the next bank every
> time you hit the first step in a group of 16.
> This is going to be an incredible project, and a great sequencer! I'm
> planning on playing around with the boards a little before committing
> to a panel, but yours looks great!
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