Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: Modular Synth Panels

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Subject: more new panels (sorry for the incorrect subject line)

From: Larry Hendry <hendrysr@...>
Date: 2003-05-26

Sorry, I got the subject line wrong in the original post.

I have added the new panels to the list that have been confirmed to
me by Moe. I know he is working on others for many of you. So,
there will be more panels. I have marked the new panels as
proposed. They WILL happen. Proposed means that you can contact the
design owner to discuss the panel design if you have conceptual

Here are some of the other that are either being added to the list
-OR- have been under discussion. You may wish to contact these
people directly to exchange ideas:

Expect to add:
Mark Media <media.nai@...>
Kenton Pro 4 breakout panel

Drew Neumann <dneumann@...>
Paia EKx-30 VCA panels
Paia EKx-20 Filter Panels
Digisound 80-22A Wave multiplier/Mult.

CGS - ASR (single version??)
dave wright <bastardita@...>

Richard Brewster <pugix@...>
Triple Sample & Hold idea, where I stuff two Oakley S&H modules
together with a MOTM-101.

Andrew Sanchez ixqy@... wrote:
Stereo panel for the Equinox phaser (has two equinox phasers)

From the Oakley list several people have been discussing a 2U full
featured version of the 410 aid. Anyone want to make that

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