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Subject: Re: Ink?

From: "clickmrmike" <mrmike@...>
Date: 2008-11-22

Yes, I've seen his's part of the inspiration to roll my own
for panels Bridechamber will never make. Unfortunately, the coat and
burn process he uses costs about $60 (but you could fit 2-3 panels on
there, maybe). It's still pretty expensive for a 1-off design... Say
$6 for raw Al (or $11 to Scott for pre-painted), $20 for part of a
screen, $2+ for paints/ink/supplies, drill finish time... and you have
spent $27 and a couple of hours to get a 2U panel. Plus startup costs
for the rest of the screen printing gear, drill bits, inks (at
$30/qt). Naturally, if you're making 100 of the same thing, the
average screen cost goes to 20 cents, so your per-panel gets much
cheaper (but I'm still not sure how Scott can sell "boutique" panels
for $30 and not starve his wife and children). I'm making 1, maybe 2
of the same panel - so it's simpler and cheaper to give Scott the
money if he makes that panel. If he doesn't, then what?

$27+ and a bunch of time to make my own?
$50+ to FPE?

I prefer electronics to mechanical construction, so I'd rather build
boards and buy panels & brackets, but the cost is really insane.

I suppose I could give up and use a paint marker or labelmaker...


Anyway, the guitarfool guy uses an acrylic ink, and I've been told
that it won't stick to powdercoat.


--- In, Scott Juskiw <scott@...>
> >
> > So, anyone out there screen their own panels?
> This guy seems to have figured it out.