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Subject: Re: Shielded hook up

From: "wjhall11" <wjhall@...>
Date: 2008-10-27

Hi Gino -

The shielded hook up we got some time back looks like it matches the
stuff Paul uses exactly. the Mouser number on its spool is
"566-8216-100" and is "Belden Co-Axial Cable." Sound good?

Bill and Will

--- In, "adaaxs" <wonggster@...> wrote:
> Question:
> What is the best and what is the smallest shielded hook up wire ?
> I am almost out and am wondering aloud if there is something smaller
> I have been using two types both unmarked both feel like Belden
(stiff) 1/8", one a little less
> so (smaller, waxy, stiff) 7/64". I don't remember the cat numbers
a thousand feet back.