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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] Ian Fritz AD/ AR PCBs!

From: waveguide@...
Date: 2008-09-10


Just read the posted docs for this module. Brilliant. I had been hoping to come across something like this for a long time. The multifunction utilitarian pulse delay is a superb bonus. I don't design circuits but these building blocks are ideal and exactly what I would do if I could.

Consider a bank of 5-6 of these, sequenced.

My thanks to Ian and of course you for picking them up for distribution here. Looks like things may be resolving themselves here. Hopefully I can follow through on my plan on picking up pairs of all the Fritz pcbs followed by and parts kits.

For the knobs buy I may be able to reach for 200.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Scott Deyo <contact@...>
>Sent: Aug 15, 2008 12:00 PM
>Subject: [ModularSynthPanels] Ian Fritz AD/ AR PCBs!
>Just in --
>Ian Fritz's EG!
>Controls: Attack, Decay/ Release, Pulse Delay, Pulse Width.
>Jacks: Trig/Gate Input, AD/AR Output, Pulse Input, Pulse Output.
>Available on the site, panels being worked on.
>Scott Deyo
>The Bridechamber
>Jealous Edison Record Kompany