--- Bob <
knarleybass@...> wrote:
> I think the Jack mounting Idea is great. Perhaps make the holes
> a little oversized for a little play if the panel holes are
> slightly off...
Oversizing the jack holes is a no-no. The bracket must rest on the
shoulder of the threaded bushing. If you drop off of it, you run the
risk of tightening against the plastic. Of course they would be very
slightly larger to accomodate slight panel hole error. But, it would
be better to oversize the panel hole if needed after the fact. That
is what I was suggesting one might be like my pot holes.
> Or how about a hybrid Pot/ jack hole bracket....
Yes, I was "thinking" about that. My goal is to create only one new
bracket to work with up to the 6" x 3" PCB size and have a mounting
scheme that could be used with any. Maybe I am being un-realistic.
Any and all ideas and feedback appreciated.
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