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> Thanks very much Howard for the photos. I have beenconsidering the
> "jack only" mounting option, I was considering somethingalmost
> exactly like you have shown. 2 jacks are plenty strong forholding a
> 2 issues:
> 1: Should I make the jack spacing fixed? That works OK for
> direction but not for the other. Or, should I make one roundand
> make the other elongated (like my normal bracket pot holes)so
> thatnthere is lattitude for jack spacing.your
> 2: If you have a 1U or 2U module in the MOTM upright format,
> mouting bracket is near the bottom edge. That's OK. BUT,they will
> not fit into the bottom row of slant cabinets.__________________________________________________
> Thanks again Howard. I need feedback to make this reality.
> Larry
> --- Howard Ulyate <knarleybass@y...> wrote:
> > I could have use some sort of Ken Stone compatable
> > MOTM mounting bracket. I am sure that Larry would
> > make something alot better than what I came up with
> > today for my project...
> >
> > Howard
> >
> >
> >
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