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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] Expaning this forum

From: david wright <bastardita@...>
Date: 2008-08-23

yo gino-
i built my sn-voice awhile ago and i used rotary switches - but will switch it over
to toggles for the bridechamber panel. the rotaries selected different capacitors
for the LFO - on this just choose three that you like - use a center off spdt switch - 
 wire 2 wires
to the holes on the board to the switch - have three capacitors all connect on one end,
wire one wire to that end - then the smallest cap and other end of wire to the center of the switch,
the other two ends to the unconnected ends of two bigger capacitors. then you can select three
differnt cap sizes.

if i remember the other rotary selects what pulse width modulation souce you want to use. just
use a SPDT switch - and select two of the options. i would choose the narrow pulse and the lfo
modulation. but you might choose different ones - eg on pwm is pretty cool too

let me know if that helps - great module

dave wright

turn around bright eyes

On Aug 23, 2008, at 8:57 AM, adaaxs wrote:

We need to look at a means df explaining changes to original designs and taking 
resonsibilty for those changes. I would not have been able to finish my Threeler filter if 
someone had not expalined how it was hooked up.

I am working on an Sn Voice right now that has instructions that called for 2 roatery, 2 
types pf toggle switches. My panel calls for 4 toggle, I have another instructions that calles 
for 3 toggle switches. This happens all the time.


We should take responsibility for our ideas and share them properly and cleanly especially 
with learners and young people.

There are several people who are making a life of this. It is getting bigger, more attention 
and we have a chance to organise and disseminate ideas ans save people time, money and 

We could call it finishing ?

What is the SN switch solution ?


dave wright