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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] jerkface

From: Scott Deyo <contact@...>
Date: 2008-08-23

A good companion for the Jerkster is the dual TGTSH. You can derive
random gates and gated CVs from the Jerkster, or anything really --
very versatile module! I just finished it and hope to get some sound
samples up tomorrow.

I just finished the 5Pulser too. Amazingly smooth in response, w/ a
great pulse edginess to the waveform. One of the best, and simplest,
waveshapers I've heard. Sound samples for that coming too...

Ian's the man.

Scott Deyo
The Bridechamber
Jealous Edison Record Kompany

On Aug 22, 2008, at 8:19 PM, Richard Brewster wrote:

> I finished my Jersker recently but haven't had time to add it to my
> website. Yours sounds healthy enough. I did not see a freeze with
> mine, going very slowly, but can't say yet that it won't. What happens
> to the output when it freezes? Does it just stop? Does it migrate
> toward a high or low voltage? Have you tried different LM13700 chips?
> It's quite an interesting sine wave generator. I wish it had a fine
> tune pot on the rate, which is very wide range and sensitive. I'll be
> experimenting with it and making some recordings that I will add when
> I
> put it up on my website.
> Richard Brewster
> david wright wrote:
> > hey guys - i need to put a trim pot on my rate pot as it freezes if
> i
> > got to slow
> > but peter - here is a mp3 of the jerkster's Z out to a vco's expo
> in,
> > and the y out
> > to a vcf that is barely effecting it. can urs do that? scott does
> mine
> > sound healthy?
> > haha
> >
> >
> >
> > hope that helps!
> >
> >
> > dave