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On 28-Jul-08, at 5:44 PM, John Mahoney wrote:
> At 12:48 PM 7/28/2008, Scott Juskiw wrote:
>> I'm considering creating a PCB (or two) that would have all the
>> additional circuitry needed to make a "modular vocoder". You'd need
>> two of the JH string filters to make this work (and a few patch cords
>> to hook it all up). You could build a standalone vocoder and
>> eliminate
>> all the patching, but then you wouldn't be able to use the JH string
>> filter "as is". I'd like to at least try it. I designed a vocoder
>> back
>> in the mid 1980s but never got it completed. The JH string filter
>> already has the necessary mixer and the filters have 10-turn trimmers
>> for calibration, that got me thinking it wouldn't be all that much
>> extra work to make a vocoder.
> Wow, interesting! Personally, I would not say that 40 VCAs and 40
> envelope followers are "not much extra work" :-) although I
> understand that at least the 40-band filters are taken care of.
> (BTW, I might be interested in PCBs with, say, 4 VCAs or EFs per
> board. Are you planning anything like that?)
>> Here are some other uses for the string filter separate outputs:
>> 1. extracting vocal formants
>> 2. spectral processing of individual bands
>> 3. using specific bands to trigger envelope generators
> Indeed. However, these functions can generally be performed by a few
> bandpass filters. I'd rather use the 2U to house 3 or 4 manual BP
> filters, like a pair of Blacet dual filters
> (, instead of a 40-jack array.
> But, that's me. As an observer, I'd enjoy seeing someone else build a
> 40-band analog vocoder!
> Oh: I prefer the panel design on which the jacks are staggered like
> the knobs.
> John