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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] Panel for JH String Filter

From: Scott Juskiw <scott@...>
Date: 2008-07-08

I've posted an image of my proposed 5U panel:

The 40 pots for controlling the levels (not the frequencies) of the 40
band pass filters take up 4U of space on the left. I didn't bother to
label the frequency of each pot, but I expect to put the lowest
frequency in the lower left corner and the highest frequency in the
upper right corner. The remaining 1U on the right comprises the
standard controls that JH has on his schematic and uses a similar
layout to my other utility modules.

If you wanted a 6U version, you could simply replace my 1U section
with BIll & Will's 2U version. That would also give you a handy bypass

Off to order a bazillion parts...

On 3-Jul-08, at 1:49 PM, Scott Juskiw wrote:

> I just got my boards for the JH String Filter and I'm seriously
> tempted to turn this into a 40 channel filter bank (using pots, not
> sliders). I've drawn up a few MOTM-format panel layouts on paper and
> will try to upload some images this weekend. We're talking 40 pots
> here, just for the filters, plus:
> 4 pots (input level, Q level, Q CV level, stereo spread)
> 4 switches (partials 1,2,3,4)
> 4 jacks (signal input, Q CV input, left out, right out)
> Did I miss anything?
> I suppose you could leave out the 4 partial switches since each filter
> has it's own dedicated level pot, but I'd still like to keep them in.
> I've got three layouts at the moment:
> 1. 10U wide using standard (large) MOTM knobs
> 2. 5U wide using small knobs (like on Encore UEG)
> 3. 6U wide using small knobs for the 40 filters and large knobs for
> the other 4 pots
> I'll build a prototype (using plastic) for either #2 or #3 to make
> sure it all works properly first.
> Is anyone else interested in pursuing this?
> Has somebody else already started working on an MOTM-format panel for
> this?