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To: ModularSynthPanels@ yahoogroups. com
From: contact@bridechambe
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 21:51:18 -0500
Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels ] Re: Klee v2 sequencer panel fpd file posted
I'm leaning towards knobs now, but in a circular pattern a al meester White's seq.
But yeah, I don't see them being in stock for at least two months, at this rate.
DIY... indeed! Whatever works. Music isn't made by waiting for the next piece of gear! (or a panel!)
Scott Deyo
The Bridechamber
Jealous Edison Record Kompany
On Jun 20, 2008, at 4:44 PM, sduck409 wrote:Hi - Never had a problem with scratches on mine. Although I don't move
mine around much once they're in the cabinet, and the cabinet never
leaves the room. And the oldest one I have is only 2 years or so.
Coating is a good idea though - I'll have to consider this idea - what
do you suggest coating with?
Knobs/faders - as far as I could tell the discussion was over - a
vocal minority, of which I was a member, wanted knobs, but Scott was
leaning towards faders. So, I can wait and take my chances whether
Scott's panel design meets my needs, or even appears, or I can get my
own design built now. I've got the knobs, and the resistors, and
everything else - just need a panel! That's what DIY is all about
anyway - not being part of the herd - right?
As mentioned earlier, there's a picture of this design in the photos
section of this group, in the misc folder.
Cheers, Steve
--- In ModularSynthPanels@ yahoogroups. com, "adaaxs" <wonggster@.. .> wrote:
> We all understand where you are coming from Steve. I occasionally
break down and get a
> shaeffer panel but they I have to get it coated after I get it from
FPE or it will scratch up
> madly , out of the box they are too fragile for the money. We are
still discussing knobs
> and sliders and what kind of resistors to use and you want to go
ahead. Have you got a
> non .fpd version of the file we can view ?
> >
> > Ok, I finally got around to finishing this one up - I would have done
> > it a week ago but had to deal with a case of Rocky Mountain Spotted
> > fever - yuck. Tere's also a screen cap in the misc folder of the
> > pictures section for instant gratification.
> >
> > I really wanted to work this into a 6u panel, hopefully incorporting
> > parts of Thomas White's excellent rotary design, but just couldn't
> > begin to make it all fit. It's pretty tight in 8u. I started with Jeff
> > Pontius's old milton design, and basically erased everything below the
> > middle, and incorporated lots of bits from Clickmrmike' s and Will and
> > Bill's designs, juggling some switch positions to suit my tastes and
> > putting back in the switch they left out (it's probably not necessary,
> > but there it is). Then I spent forever juggling everything around to
> > make it look hunky-dory, at least kind of.
> >
> > Somehow in the course of doing this the price dropped a bit - my
> > original layout with all the holes and labels was over 160$ (US), but
> > the finished version is about 146$ - go figure. I did replace a bunch
> > of loosely created place holder items with copied and pasted groups of
> > items, like the switch boxes - maybe that makes a difference.
> >
> > I'm highly tempted to create a color version of this one - once you
> > sart adding color fills, it's just a flat rate 7$ addon, and you can
> > use all the colors you want after that - so since I'm already spending
> > a bunch, why not? But there's the deciding on the miriad of choices
> > part - fairly daunting. Anyone want to take a crack at this? It's free
> > until you press the buy button, of course.
> >
> > The hole sizes are all for the same hardware synthtech uses - spectrol
> > pots, switchcraft 1/4 jacks, nkk bat switches, lumex 5/16 leds, and
> > all the knobs are meant to be the smaller version of the standard motm
> > style PKES-60B-1/4 knobs. Other stuff would also work fabulously in
> > there, but remember to adjust the hole diameters to what you're
> >
> > I'd love to get opinions and feedback on this - this was a pretty big
> > undrtaking, and I'm not a graphics designer by any means, so there's
> > probably lots of design rules I've stepped all over. And while I've
> > read the various klee manuals and checked with the interconnect
> > schematics, I may have missed something - let me know if this is the
> > case.
> >
> > Apologies to Scott Deyo for not waiting patiently for his soon-to-be
> > much more excellent design, which will of course cost half as much,
> > but I've got all the other parts sitting here burning a hole in my
> > build time plans. Actually, I'm not really ready to order this yet,
> > due to some financial tightness currently - maybe I'll come to my
> > senses. And you know you'll be geting a bunch of my money soon anyway
> > for brackets for this and some other stuff, so it'll all work out.
> > Brackets - I didn't really consider brackets in this design - I'm sure
> > there's something that'll work - we'll see.
> >
> > Steve Drake
> >
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