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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] Re: Klee v2 sequencer panel fpd file posted

From: James Elliott <johans121@...>
Date: 2008-06-21

Thomas, 5U high, small pots, & 19" wide is good with me.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.


----- Original Message ----
From: THOMAS S WHITE <djthomaswhite@...>
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 10:56:55 PM
Subject: RE: [ModularSynthPanels] Re: Klee v2 sequencer panel fpd file posted

Hey guys,

I have Klee boards waiting. Maybe I can get together on a design for this sooner rather than the planned later. Let me mull that over this weekend. I want knobs too so I would go that direction. I was thinking more oval width ways for the shape of the circle (ala Buchla) with controls in the middle and around the corners. My one concern is the difference in the LEDs and switches and how they fall inline with the oval. Having experience with my rotary I don't mind, nor have I ever had trouble with, the switches being to the side and in a different shape than knobs. Thoughts?

It would be very helpful to have a breakdown of the required knobs, jacks, sliders etc to be on the panel. Sean, is your panel "stock" in this way? If so I could use it to base a new design off of. Here are some questions for the group:

1. Does MOTM-format 5 high sound fine?
2. I plan for small alpha pots (to save space), Lumex LEDs, and MOTM-type switches and jacks. Sound good?
3. How many space wide would you be willing to go? I could go a whole (19") rack width due to the overall "awesomeness" of this sequencer.



To: ModularSynthPanels@ yahoogroups. com
From: contact@bridechambe
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 21:51:18 -0500
Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels ] Re: Klee v2 sequencer panel fpd file posted

I'm leaning towards knobs now, but in a circular pattern a al meester White's seq.
But yeah, I don't see them being in stock for at least two months, at this rate.

DIY... indeed! Whatever works. Music isn't made by waiting for the next piece of gear! (or a panel!)

Scott Deyo
The Bridechamber
Jealous Edison Record Kompany

On Jun 20, 2008, at 4:44 PM, sduck409 wrote:

Hi - Never had a problem with scratches on mine. Although I don't move
mine around much once they're in the cabinet, and the cabinet never
leaves the room. And the oldest one I have is only 2 years or so.
Coating is a good idea though - I'll have to consider this idea - what
do you suggest coating with?

Knobs/faders - as far as I could tell the discussion was over - a
vocal minority, of which I was a member, wanted knobs, but Scott was
leaning towards faders. So, I can wait and take my chances whether
Scott's panel design meets my needs, or even appears, or I can get my
own design built now. I've got the knobs, and the resistors, and
everything else - just need a panel! That's what DIY is all about
anyway - not being part of the herd - right?

As mentioned earlier, there's a picture of this design in the photos
section of this group, in the misc folder.

Cheers, Steve

--- In ModularSynthPanels@ yahoogroups. com, "adaaxs" <wonggster@.. .> wrote:
> We all understand where you are coming from Steve. I occasionally
break down and get a
> shaeffer panel but they I have to get it coated after I get it from
FPE or it will scratch up
> madly , out of the box they are too fragile for the money. We are
still discussing knobs
> and sliders and what kind of resistors to use and you want to go
ahead. Have you got a
> non .fpd version of the file we can view ?
> >
> > Ok, I finally got around to finishing this one up - I would have done
> > it a week ago but had to deal with a case of Rocky Mountain Spotted
> > fever - yuck. Tere's also a screen cap in the misc folder of the
> > pictures section for instant gratification.
> >
> > I really wanted to work this into a 6u panel, hopefully incorporting
> > parts of Thomas White's excellent rotary design, but just couldn't
> > begin to make it all fit. It's pretty tight in 8u. I started with Jeff
> > Pontius's old milton design, and basically erased everything below the
> > middle, and incorporated lots of bits from Clickmrmike' s and Will and
> > Bill's designs, juggling some switch positions to suit my tastes and
> > putting back in the switch they left out (it's probably not necessary,
> > but there it is). Then I spent forever juggling everything around to
> > make it look hunky-dory, at least kind of.
> >
> > Somehow in the course of doing this the price dropped a bit - my
> > original layout with all the holes and labels was over 160$ (US), but
> > the finished version is about 146$ - go figure. I did replace a bunch
> > of loosely created place holder items with copied and pasted groups of
> > items, like the switch boxes - maybe that makes a difference.
> >
> > I'm highly tempted to create a color version of this one - once you
> > sart adding color fills, it's just a flat rate 7$ addon, and you can
> > use all the colors you want after that - so since I'm already spending
> > a bunch, why not? But there's the deciding on the miriad of choices
> > part - fairly daunting. Anyone want to take a crack at this? It's free
> > until you press the buy button, of course.
> >
> > The hole sizes are all for the same hardware synthtech uses - spectrol
> > pots, switchcraft 1/4 jacks, nkk bat switches, lumex 5/16 leds, and
> > all the knobs are meant to be the smaller version of the standard motm
> > style PKES-60B-1/4 knobs. Other stuff would also work fabulously in
> > there, but remember to adjust the hole diameters to what you're
> >
> > I'd love to get opinions and feedback on this - this was a pretty big
> > undrtaking, and I'm not a graphics designer by any means, so there's
> > probably lots of design rules I've stepped all over. And while I've
> > read the various klee manuals and checked with the interconnect
> > schematics, I may have missed something - let me know if this is the
> > case.
> >
> > Apologies to Scott Deyo for not waiting patiently for his soon-to-be
> > much more excellent design, which will of course cost half as much,
> > but I've got all the other parts sitting here burning a hole in my
> > build time plans. Actually, I'm not really ready to order this yet,
> > due to some financial tightness currently - maybe I'll come to my
> > senses. And you know you'll be geting a bunch of my money soon anyway
> > for brackets for this and some other stuff, so it'll all work out.
> > Brackets - I didn't really consider brackets in this design - I'm sure
> > there's something that'll work - we'll see.
> >
> > Steve Drake
> >


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