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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] tau pipe red/green led wiring?

From: loopcycle <loopcycle@...>
Date: 2008-05-06

--- Mark <yahoogroups@...> wrote:

> On 5/6/08, loopcycle put forth:
> >
> > > >Sure I can do that, but I probably need you to tell me how. =)
> > >
> > > Well, do you have a meter that can measure current?? That's a very
> > > important first step :)
> >
> >
> >i do have a digital multimeter handy =)
> OK :) That's important :) Now switch it to measure DC current, and
> select the correct range. If the range is too low, you are likely to
> blow a fuse. Mine has a settings of 4mA, 400mA, and 10 A (the 10 A
> setting uses a separate jack), so I would select 400mA.
> To measure current you need to break the circuit, and patch the meter
> in series with the load. Since this module uses a bipolar supply,
> you need to measure each side separately. So run two wires --
> between the ground connector and ground, and between the positive
> voltage connector and the positive supply, then use each lead from
> the meter to connect the negative supply, so the current runs through
> the meter. Read what it says. Then do it for the positive supply.
> I hope that makes sense :)

yeah i think so. im basically opening each circuit (+15v, -15v) separately, at
one point, and measuring the current between the module and psu while its
powered up. ill have to find some good safe points on the pcb to attach to (i
didnt use a header for my power).

question: do i have to consider polarity when i place my multimeter in the
circuit? how do i know which side of my DMM connects to the negative supply?

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