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Subject: some notes on laquarto & perky

From: david wright <bastardita@...>
Date: 2008-03-19

hey guys - don't make me blush n stuff i'm on this list too! i'm not a big list poster - but since Laquarto and Perky
were both born of this list - i thought i'd put some insight into it. laquarto was born as a combination of really enjoying
some paia and blacet modules i had made - and being too fat to use such small knobs and jacks. i had a doepfer a100
single rack system before that - and its too darn small for such a big tall stud of a man that i am. i had allways eyed the
MOTM stuff - and finding larry and moe's stooge panels - i converted all i had made into motm format. soon after
i picked up some cgs & oakley modules and working with scott deyo and others here went in on some group panels. which
are in the files section.  i'll list what all is in laquarto soon - but if its not in the file sections here i got it from the late and super
super great larry hendry & dave, scott's bridechamber and some genuwine MOTM modules. 

years later and allot of upgrades i made a lil drum machine to go along with it. around the time of my girls pregnancy
and months following the birth of our daughter - i would - when everyone was asleep - do weird technopop/italo  stuff
on the modular and perky in the cave here. the cd is the best of these late night live  tracks. all along still
working on other projects with not breathing - i.e. black metal album out later this year. when scott asked about maybe
doing a release with bridechamber/jerk i thought it would be allot of fun to do a 'synthesizer demonstration record'. 
i hope that maybe people hearing this would be inspired to get into synth-diy - yet still be a great record for doing aerobics to.
for getting dressed up all pretty and hitting the gaybars, for getting you ready for that stacey q concert next week. 
100% not heart's of space music and with a vengence. i'm not the british electronic musician david wright.
 i'm in tucson arizona - where they filmed all the westerns.

i used a mpc1000 to generate melodies/loops. it controls a kenton pro2000, a paia midi2cv8
and a midwest analog ADV-MIDI 2 Trigger unit. i used an old casio to put notes into the mpc.
anything else are weird patches and ken stone's phantom hand in my studio. a macbook with a crappy firewire
soundcard acts as a recording device - no multitracking. it was mastered by brian herman at s.m.t. studios - a great
hiphop studio in manhattan and one of my bandmates.


Laquarto is : Paia Drum Tone Board, mults, 2 LAGs, 2 Inverters, Oakley VCO, Motm VCO, 3 CGS Vco,
3340 VCO, 566 VCO, Dark Star Chaos, SN Voice, cyndystries, Dual Sawtooth Animator, blacet MINIWAVE w/ all the expansions,
CGS Suboscillator, blacet Time Machine, Motm 490, Motm 485, CGS Steiner, CGS Dual Bandpass, Cgs Metalshop Wavefolder,
Oakley Phaser, 2 CGS Lockhard folders w/ passive ring mod, blacet klang werk, cgs mixer, cyndustries quad lowpass gates, oakley
tripple VCA, the paia midi2cv8, oakley envelope follower, motm 320 w/ stooge panel/breakout, Oakley tripple lfo, motm 800 adsr, 
efm dual ADSR, CGS dual LFO, cgs digital noise, transistor noise, cgs superpsycho lfo, oakley s&h, cgs pulse divider, blacet freq divider,
cgs sequential switch, ebncore UEG, cgs burst generator, cgs infinite melody generator w/ noise and diatonic, cgs analogic voltage w/ logic board, 
cgs slope detector, blacet mixer/processor, cgs mixer....

thanks to everyone on this list & synth-diy. shout outs to scott lee, eric barbour, ken stone, harry bissell, q.r. ghazala, adam johnson, steve roach, peter grenader,
john blacet, scott deyo,  thomas henry, paul schrieber, tony allgood, cynthia webster, barry klein, mike brown and many other teachers and inspirations.
and one last final shout out to rex probe for not hiring me to work at s.t.s. but for giving me my first mouser catalog

i'm sitting on over 60 pcbs i've gotten just hoarded up - cool projects keep coming out and panels are available like never before! time to catch up!

dave wright