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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] Bug panel -- decisions...

From: Scott Deyo <contact@...>
Date: 2008-03-17

I agree. I'll just build two of the 2U, myself.

I wouldn't feel bad in leaving extra ring mods out. The external
disturb CV would be missing, however, and the majority consensus seems
to be in the "everything that the Wiard unit does" camp. There are
enough PCBs out there to warrant doing both the 2U "Wire Up the PCB"
module and the 5U "Break Out the Protoboard" module.

On the 5U, should I add a few LEDs?

Scott Deyo
The Bridechamber

On Mar 17, 2008, at 9:45 AM, Mark wrote:

> While I don't think I'll be building a wogglebug myself, as I already
> have PCB's for a number of unfinished projects, and a lack of panel
> space, I would like to comment on this situation in general.
> What people often seem to forget in these discussions, when adding
> features to panel, is that a modular is modular.
> Imho, bad UI decisions are when panel space is wasted (eg. no
> attenuator for shape CV pn the MOTM-320 which has space for five more
> knobs), or when it results in situations that cannot be overcome by
> external modules (eg. missing a way to control a parameter, or access
> to an input or output). This doesn't seem to be the case here.
> So not knowing anything more about it, I would say that having two
> single wogglebugs with separate panels is better than a double
> wogglebug. If the extra outputs on the double unit are easily
> obtainable by ring modulating outputs that would be already available
> on single wogglebugs, then having a separate ring modulator would be
> much more flexible. How often are you going to use these child
> tones?? Not only could you use that ring modulator for whatever else
> you wanted, but you might not even have to add one. If necessary, I
> can
> already get two or three ring modulators out of what many people
> would consider a relatively small modular.
> On 3/16/08, Scott Deyo put forth:
> >To get the Child tones, just ring mod two Wogglebugs. The Wiard unit
> >RMs the Woggled Outs from two 'Bugs for one Child Tone, and the
> >Smooth Tones from two 'Bugs for the other Child Tone. At least, I'm
> >pretty sure.
> >: )