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Subject: Re: [motmpanels] Blacet Mini Wave panel question

From: Tentochi <tentochi2003@...>
Date: 2002-12-13

Larry spent a lot of time get the coatings pretty
consistent at the beginning, so the slight variability
not really noticible on casual inspection. Larry is
incredible when it comes to details, so he is being
modest. I am one of Larry's largest panel customers I
am guessing, so I have seen quite a few of them.

I personally slightly prefer Larry's splattering to
Paul's. Although when all mounted, you can't tell any
difference from the audience at a performance.

I am SWAMPED this weekend. I will get back with
everyone on the panels by next Wednesday. FYI, all
panels are drilled. And Robert is welcome to contact
me directly.


--- Larry Hendry <hendrysr@...> wrote:
> --- Richard Brewster <pugix@...> wrote:
> > Is there much difference between the Stooge paint
> and the MOTM
> > paint?
> The paint used on Stooge panels is the exact same
> paint used on MOTM
> panels. Sherwin Williams Polane T. It takes 5
> compounds to use that
> paint:
> 1 - paint
> 2 - reducer for paint
> 3 - catalyst for paint
> 4 - primer
> 5 - catalyst/reducer for primer.
> Tally for stuff required for one gallon of paint
> $200.
> What is slightly differet is the texture. The
> splatter on the paint
> is a bit of an art that varies greatly with mixture,
> temperature and
> such. Since I use a different painter, they are
> slightly different.
> Paul's even vary from batch to batch, as do Stooge
> panels.
> You asked. Them is the facts.
> Stooge Larry

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