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Subject: Re: [ModularSynthPanels] Too few emoticons...

From: William Hall <wjhall@...>
Date: 2008-02-01

Oh goodness - no offecnce has been taken here - just chuckles.  Bill

Scott Deyo wrote:
I don't think anyone took it offensively.
And no matter what, heck, we're just talkin'.

The best thing is, now you're on the group, and you'll get all theseemails! ; p

Scott Deyo
The Bridechamber

On Jan 31, 2008, at 4:58 PM, Grant Richter wrote:

I did notmean it to be condescending or offensive to anyone. I try to treateveryone with
respect and kindness.I do apologize if anyone was offended, it was unintentional.

I had no expectationthat my private correspondence would be published, since copying
text from privatecorrespondence and posting it on public sites can be the basis for a

My private e-mail toPaul was supposed to be funny, that is wry wit or dry humor. Very
hard to get throughin text where you can't see my tongue in my cheek. I have to be more
careful and use moreemoticons. But I would have thought that naming something a "#3
Standard Wogglebug"would be a clue that humor and engineering coexist happily at

The quote about 1million a year is from an accountant who did not want to even talkwith
me because Wiard ismuch too small.

And really, "bringingWogglebugs to the disadvantaged" is just so ridiculous, how can
anyone not laugh atthat. Those who are actually disadvantaged need food and shelter.
The last thing theyneed is a Wogglebug, which you can't eat or even burn as fuel.

I hope I cleared upany confusion. Happy Woggling!

---,"adaaxs" <wonggster@...> wrote:
> ---,"plord" <plord@> wrote:
> >
> > From Grant:
> >
> > "From a legalstandpoint, publishing the design enters it into the
> > public domain andremoves my right to request "cease and desist". It
> > is ratherflattering that someone made a PC board and someone else
> > made a faceplate.A "business" needs about 1 million a year in cash
> > flow, anythingelse is an obsession or a hobby. So Mr. Deyo's public
> > service workbring Wogglebugs to the disadvantaged, doesn't qualify
> > as a business inmy mind. There is no comparison between the
> > published workand what is in the modules (the modules have two #5
> > standardWogglebugs plus more)."
> >
> > Therefore,proceed :)
> >
> > cheers,
> > Paul
> I don't think Grantreally means this as it is written. I don't think he is trying to be
> condescending atall. he probably just wrote it quick.
> So go and Woggle :)