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> --- Richard Brewster <pugix@...> wrote:
> > Has anyone here built a Mini Wave in MOTM format?
> Many of us have Richard. Here is a link with photos and a complete
> set of detailed instructions to do the conversion that should answer
> all of your questions:
> How is the PC board mounted?
> A: Stooge 4 pot long
> I suppose the bracket could be mounted using only two of the pots.
> A: It is, and works very well. Only 2 slight cuts are needed on the
> corners of the bracket.
> But it would be more secure if all 4 pots were on the right side,
> through the Stooge bracket, which is an option I'm going to consider.
> A: Yes, but it is plenty fine with only 2. However, since all panel
> components are mounted off the board, the arrangement you describe is
> very workable.
> Here is a link to Dave Hylander's Miniwavr conversion site. Dave ran
> his wires under the PCB. Since he turned me onto this, I have been
> doing the same as much as possible on my conversions (see my time
> machine conversion).
> And, I see that dave is finally coming out of the closet with his
> Miniwave work. I'll let Dave sat the rest.
> Larry