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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] Digest Number 142

From: "Edwards, Ed" <ed.edwards@...>
Date: 2000-07-27

> You want to : " make all 16 tracks play at the same time"
> I assume that means you want to assign 16 different An1x sounds to 16
> different midi channels - is that what you mean ?

Unfortunately, impossible. Bitimbral - 2 channels in, 2 scenes for sounds.

> If so - let us know (here on the list) and we'll assist you.
> (but realize you can only play 10 notes at one time on the AN1x).

That's called "polyphony" and it means what you said - how many simultaneous
"Timbrality" is usually used to tell how many different sounds can be played
at once.