Matt wrote:
> OK. Um. Well. It works now without any instances of Hwmdcabl.exe...
> using Gary's suggested setup... which didn't work earlier.
> I don't know why.
> But... it does work (for now).
Good...but you should make sure you understand why it works now and not
before (it may be that you have different settings for thru and sysex in
different Cakewalk songs!)
> So I guess that leaves only the question of how to get Cakewalk
> talking to the card.
What do you mean by Cakewalk talking to the card? Just assign a track to the
MIDI channel the PLG150AN board is configured to receive on and set the
tracks port to SW1000XG#1 Synth. Thereafter the synth will just play.
[Note you can configure the PLG150AN to replace any one of the first 16 XG
parts of the SW1000XG. Also you can separately set which MIDI cahnnel that
part (and thus the PLG150AN) responds to. By default the card and AN1xEdit
will elect to use Part 1/MIDI Channel 1. However you can change this to your
preference using the PART and CH dials of AN1xEdit immediately above the on
screen keyboard. So for instance you could use Part16 on MIDI channel 16.
Then if you want to get really clever, you could layer the AN sound on top
of an XG sound, by setting the receive channel to the same channel as one of
the other XG parts e.g. setting Part16 but MIDI channel 1, would layer the
AN sound on top of the XG part 1 sound!]