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Subject: Re: a challenge...

From: j.kolling@...
Date: 2000-07-21

I thought there was another type of editor for the PLG150AN, and that
perhaps AN1xEdit doesn't work with the PLG board... Ofcourse i could
be wrong, but this is a possibility... I think i saw some more info
jon's page,, if i remember correctly.

> Hello,
> While I love to write music, I'm fairly new to MIDI, and less
> technically inclined than most, so you'll have to bear with me :).
> Wanting to expand my current setup, I recently purchased a PLG150AN
> and downloaded Gary's AN1xEdit to control it. Unfortunately, I
> haven't the slightest idea how to get the thing working.


P.S. i must say that i do not really understand your ASCII, but
want everything "midi'ed" up at least.