[[[[[Snip useless DJ topic]]]]]]]
> Anywho, I went to play around with the Korg MS2000 again the other day, and
> it just confirmed my last instinct on the synth-i will have it even if it
> makes me homeless :-) Some of the sounds are so increadibly tight you can
> get out of it, and the basses are enormous ∗sigh∗ i wish i had it right
> now....
> ash
I played the MS2000. I could sell my AN1-x and pick up a rack MS2000 for
very little extra $$. BUT there are few features the MS2000 has that I would
need (that the An1-x doesn't have).
There seem to be a glut of "Flashy light" synth boxes out now (reminds
me of the Lasonic Ghetto-blaster radios festooned with LEDs you used to see
at flea markets).
I guess the synth manufacturers are going after a new target market with
these boxes (don't get me wrong I love arpeggiators- but I like to play
I'd like to hear more listmembers compare the MS2000 to the AN1x.
Celebrity synth death match anyone?.
Todd :)